We Are NTC
Real-World Preparation
for life and ministry
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Real-World Preparation for life and ministry

Nazarene Theological College (NTC) provides high-quality, accredited theological education that prepares men and women for life and sustained ministry in an ever-changing world.
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Nazarene Theological College delivers higher education awards as a Member Institution of the Sydney College of Divinity (CRICOS Provider: 02948J)

Quality theological education that broadens your knowledge and deepens your faith

Whether you’re seeking to deepen your faith or studying for a ministry career, or are an emerging or mature student, we are open to everyone and offer a range of flexible courses that can be personalised to suit your education/life balance.

I am thrilled by the opportunities I received at NTC, particularly the chance to tailor my studies to the areas I was specifically interested in. This ‘tailoring’ was expertly overseen by the academic staff at the college. At every point in my study I felt I was being encouraged to view a full range of perspectives.

Jim (MDiv)

I really enjoyed my time at NTC and all of the students and staff that I met while studying. It was a great experience that I highly recommend to anyone who wants to dive into biblical discussion and truth.

Britni (GradDip)

The education I received at NTC was not only beneficial for my future but also for my personal outlook on life and overall view of the world. What I have learned at NTC will stay with me for life, and I know I could never say the same about a typical university degree.

Elena (BTh)