Student Admission Requirements | Nazarene Theological College


The standards of admission to the College are established to fulfil two principles.

First, they ensure that you will be able to fulfil the objectives of a program and achieve the standard required for the award.
Second, they ensure that you have the basic skills in written and oral English which will enable you to profit from the program.

Each program has its own individual entry requirements and the full details are listed under each award. If you are applying to enter the Graduate Diploma course, you would normally hold a first degree in a subject other than religion. If you are applying for the Bachelor of Theology degree, you would normally have satisfactorily completed Year 12 at an Australian High School with the qualification to enter university. For Queensland students, this would require an OP of 16 or its equivalent from other states in Australia. Overseas students should have achieved a similar standing within their own education system. There are no formal academic entry qualifications for the non-accredited programs, but the Academic Dean must be satisfied with your ability to undertake the studies.

Mature Age & Non-Traditional Students

The College welcomes applications from mature age and non-traditional students.

If you are 21 or over on 1st January of the year in which you intend to begin study and in addition you do not have the normal entrance requirements to a program, you may still be eligible through the mature age student admission process.

Entrance requirements for courses are modified for mature age and non-traditional students to take account of their background and experience.