Student Services & Orientation | Nazarene Theological College



Orientation is a program of activities that introduces you to your place of study and the services available to help you find your way around and pursue your studies, knowing that you will be supported in your learning and other needs as they may arise. The Orientation program is one of these services.

A list of student services is set out below with an indication of where to find the relevant information on this website or in the Learning Management System, as relevant. The main part of this list of services is available for all students enrolled in awards of the Sydney College of Divinity, to assist you to reach your academic goals and keep you safe and well along the way. For international (overseas) students, additional assistance is available to help you settle into Australia and your local neighbourhood.

For all students, the Student Support Officer may always be contacted for any matter of concern at any time.

Contact details:

  • Rev. Pam Reed
  • Registrar and Student Support Tutor
  • Ph: 61 7 3206 4177
  • Email: [email protected]

Orientation Program

All SCD students commencing their studies, including overseas students, are expected to participate in the Orientation Program arranged for their benefit. Through it, you will be offered useful information about academic matters, about how we will support your studies, and how we will strive to make your overall experience while you are with us safe and enjoyable. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Dates for Orientation in 2025:

Trimester 1: Monday 10 February 9.00-12.00 AEST - in person/Zoom.

Trimester 2: Monday 19 May 9.00-12.00 AEST - in person/ZOOM OR Online via Google Classroom.

Trimester 3: Monday 25 August 9.00-12.00 AEST - in person/ZOOM OR Online via Google Classroom.

Procedures for Orientation:

  • Students will be sent a link to the Orientation Google Classroom. If you have not received this by the Orientation date, please email the Registrar.
  • Following completion of Orientation activities, students will need to complete the checklist in the Orientation Google Classroom and return it to the Registrar:
  • Trimester 1 Orientation checklist must be completed and returned to the Registrar by Friday 21 February 2025.
  • Trimester 2 Orientation checklist must be completed and returned to the Registrar by Friday 30 May 2025.
  • Trimester 3 Orientation checklist must be completed and returned to the Registrar by Friday 5 September 2025.
  • Overseas students will do additional Orientation activities organised by the Registrar. These may be done on the Orientation date or at a suitable time arranged in consultation with students.
  • If you have any questions about Orientation, please contact the Registrar.

    Students commencing their studies are asked to access and read carefully the Student (Orientation) Handbook before classes begin.

    In addition, for international (overseas) students, further Orientation will be provided to help you adjust to living and studying in Australia. This Orientation will take place via a scheduled appointment with each individual student as required.

      Important Dates for the 2025 Academic Year

      Teaching Period Start Date: Finish Date: Census Date: (minimum 20%)* Academic Penalty Date: (50%)^
      Trimester 1 Monday 10 February Sunday 4 May Monday 10 March Friday 21 March
      Trimester 2 Monday 19 May Sunday 10 August Monday 9 June Sunday 27 June
      Trimester 3 Monday 25 August Sunday 16 November Monday 15 September Friday 3 October

      *Census Date: After this date students are liable for tuition fees. Withdrawals by this date (notified in writing) will mean that no tuition fees are payable.

      ^Academic Penalty Date: After this date students are liable for tuition fees AND will have a FAIL recorded for units. Students who withdraw between the Census Date and the Academic Penalty Date (notified in writing) will be liable for tuition fees but will have a WITHDRAWAL recorded for units.

      Student Services

      Information about Student Services available for all new and current students is available as follows:

      Service: Available at (2025 Student Handbook):

      • Academic risk support
      • Appeals
      • Attendance requirements
      • Careers and vocations advice
      • Chaplaincy (See Counselling and chaplaincy)
      • Complaints (See Grievances and Appeals)
      • Counselling and chaplaincy
      • Critical incidents and emergencies
      • Disability support (See Health, Wellbeing and Disability support)
      • Emergencies (See Critical incidents and emergencies)
      • English language support (See also Academic Risk support, Learning support, Study Assistance)
      • Grievances
      • Health and medical support (See Health, Wellbeing and Disability support)
      • IT support
      • Learning resources (See Library and learning resources)
      • Learning support (See also Academic Risk support, English language support, Study Assistance)
      • Legal support
      • Library and learning resources
      • Medical support (See Health, Wellbeing and Disability support)
      • Study Assistance (See also Academic Risk support, English language support, Learning support)
      • Wellbeing support (See Health, Wellbeing and Disability support)
      • Student Safety (see also Health and Safety)
      • Vocations advice (See Careers and vocations advice)

      Additional information about Student Services for all new and current overseas students is available as follows:

      Service: Information available at Overseas Student Handbook:

      • Accommodation
      • Cost of living in Australia
      • Employment rights and conditions
      • Orientation for overseas students