Nazarene Theological College Library

The Nazarene Theological Library is a vital part of Nazarene Theological College, providing resources for theological study and research. The library contains approximately 35,000 volumes, 100 academic journal titles, and access to online journals, books, and eBooks through Digital Theological Library (DTL2) and EBSCO.

The particular focus of the library is to provide quality resources to support NTC’s curriculum, with a special emphasis on works on Wesleyanism, Methodism, and works by John and Charles Wesley. The library also houses a growing collection of Christian education materials and worship resources, including many current materials from the Foundry publishing (previously Nazarene Publishing House). The archives of the Church of the Nazarene, Australia are stored here and may be viewed by appointment. The three Special Collections – the Archives for the Church of the Nazarene, Australia, the Wesley Collection, and the Rare Collection – are housed in the MacPherson Special Collections room. The New Zealand (Auckland) Collections are housed in Auckland at the national office for the Church of the Nazarene, New Zealand. All other print collections, including those in the MacPherson Special Collections room, are housed in the John D. Fulton library building in Thornlands, QLD.

Students have access to networked computers, and a network printer and scanner for research, study and assignment purposes. All the library computers provide access to the library catalogue, internet, and student email accounts. Personal laptop computers may also be used.

Library catalogue

The online library catalogue is called OPALS, an online publicly accessible catalogue of the library’s holdings. It is available on the link below, and on the library computers.

Click here to search the catalogue.

Any user can search the catalogue without logging in, but registered users can also view their information and renew items that are currently on loan. They can also view information about items on loan, items on hold, and new library acquisitions. All items available for loan are searchable on the catalogue. For help using the catalogue , please ask the library staff for assistance.

Collection Management Policy

The Collection Management Policy (CMP) is intended to clarify the NTC Library’s collection management objectives, to assign responsibility for the ongoing management of the collection, and to provide guidelines for the selection and withdrawal of materials. While the guidelines are used primarily by library staff, this policy will also be useful for students, faculty members, administration, and other interested bodies as they seek to better understand the role and future of the NTC Library. This CMP seeks to inform the scope, content, focus and underlying rationale of the library holdings.

Classification System

The classification system used by NTC is the Library of Congress Classification System. To search for items on particular subject areas, see the outline of Library of Congress shelf numbers.

Library manager hours

Michael Lund
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 3:15 pm
[email protected]