CRICOS 063714M

Providing the opportunity for professional development in ministry at the highest academic level, enabling students to make a distinct contribution to the profession of ministry.

The Doctor of Ministry award aims to provide the opportunity for professional development in ministry at the highest academic level and thereby to enable candidates, through a period of systematic reflection on the practice and theology of ministry, to make a distinct contribution to the profession of ministry, by a critical, creative, theological and academically informed investigation of some aspect of that profession.

Full details can be found on the SCD Doctor of Ministry course page.


It is expected that graduates should be able to:

  • contribute to the well-being of their profession by continued involvement in critical and creative reflection on the practice of ministry
  • enter into constructive dialogue with their ecclesial communities on subjects vital to those communities’ engagement with contemporary society
  • teach pastoral theology in academic institutions where theology is taught
  • participate in ministry formation
  • contribute to teacher/professional development in systems of education
  • take a leadership role in discussion of topical matters eg. euthanasia, right to employment
  • participate in government consultations.


  • demonstrate a thorough understanding of a particular area of the practice of ministry
  • make a critical and creative contribution to the understanding of the area under consideration
  • demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which the chosen area is related to the broader practice of ministry.


  • demonstrate high level research skills of critical analysis and the application of research methods
  • engage in scholarly dialogue and debate within the academic community
  • respond creatively to the changing needs of ministry in the church.


  • appreciate postgraduate research as a collaborative enterprise
  • witness to and promote commitment to lifelong learning
  • respect the views of others
  • contribute expertise for the common good of society.