For information on becoming a student at NTC, please see the NTC Overseas Student Handbook, the SCD International Students information page, and browse through the Study Australia website.
Requirements of the Australian Department of Immigration
The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship welcomes applications from genuine students to come to Australia, to undertake full-time study in registered courses in Australia. Their site provides information on how to obtain entry to and stay in Australia as a student, including applying for a student visa. The Registrar can assist and advise with issue concerning immigration and, if needed, can point the student toward legal support. The following sites provide contact information for qualified migration agents ( and immigration lawyers ( in Queensland.
The Australian government operates International Student Programs (ISP) that allow people who are not Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents to study in Australia. Any person who is not an Australian resident may apply to study in Australia under the ISP.
Generally, a person who wants to study under the ISP must get a student visa before they can begin to study their course in Australia. To be granted a student visa you must complete an application form, pay the application charge and satisfy the student visa requirements. You can be granted a student visa only if you intend to undertake a registered course or part of a registered course on a full-time basis.
A registered course is an education or training course offered by an Australian education provider who is registered with the Australian Government to offer courses to overseas students. Nazarene Theological College (CRICOS registration number 02948J) offers the following registered courses for overseas students:
Overseas students should use the Department of Immigration and Citizenship online application process to apply for a visa to study in Australia.
The DIAC website also gives information on:
Before lodging your application you should consider whether you will have enough money to set up house in Australia as well as pay for your air fares (including return), course tuition fees, overseas student health cover (OSHC) and all general expenses during your stay in Australia.
As a general guide, your accommodation, food, transport, clothes and expenses could cost you between AUD$8,500 to AUD$15,500 or more a year, depending on your lifestyle and where in Australia you will study.
For example, a single person renting accommodation would need at least $200 a week just to spend on general expenses and a married couple would need at least $330 a week. If accompanied by family members, you will also need enough money to cover their expenses.
A student with school-age children should consider the cost of education in Brisbane. Student’s children over the age of 5, are required to be enrolled in school. Both public and private schools are available with widely varying fees, which generally does not include extra fees for uniforms, textbooks and extra-curricula activities.
You should be aware that these amounts are only an indication of everyday expenses and do not include airfares, health insurance or the cost of your course.
It is a condition of the grant of your Overseas Student Visa that you and your dependents have acceptable health insurance cover during the whole time you are in Australia. To be covered for health insurance, you will have to pay the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for yourself and any family members travelling with you.
The OSHC provides medical and hospital insurance for overseas students and their dependants who have travelled to Australia with them. All applicants must show evidence that they have health insurance cover before a visa can be issued to them.
To arrange for the OSHC, students can contact Nazarene Theological College on 07 3206 4177 for a list of suggested on-line providers or directly from the Department of Health’s website.
Nazarene Theological College will notify the relevant Commonwealth authority if a student is no longer participating in a course at Nazarene Theological College for which they were enrolled.Nazarene Theological College will ensure that the recruitment and placement of international students comply with equal opportunity legislation and are consistent with immigration requirements.
To ensure the safety and well being of every international student, the Australian Government has a legal framework that requires higher education providers to deliver quality education and a high level of care to overseas students on a student visa. The framework consists of:
The below resources will help you understand your rights and responsibilities and the obligations of the Sydney College of Divinity under the ESOS framework.
At the commencement of Trimester 1, a face-to-face Orientation session is held for all students. Those who live away from our campus are able to attend via videoconference (ZOOM). This orientation session is held on the Monday of the first week of trimester (usually mid/late February).
At the commencement of Trimester 2, orientation is usually online, with documents emailed to all students for their reference. However, where there are new students, particularly international students, a face-to-face orientation session may be arranged by the Registrar.
Student Support Tutorials are held weekly - face-to-face and via video conferencing (ZOOM). These assist students in learning about library resources, organizing their study, and completing assignments. New students (in their first 3 trimesters) are expected to attend these tutorial sessions. Session are optional for students after the first 3 trimesters, although students considered at risk of failure may be required to attend.
To complete a unit, a student must have been present for at least 80% of all prescribed activities, regardless of the mode of delivery. Overseas students must satisfy Australian government progress requirements. Further information can be found at
Within thirty (30) days of notice of an offer of a place, an intending overseas student is required to pay an amount representing the total tuition costs and fees for the first semester, in Australian currency, to Nazarene Theological College. These funds will be drawn down during the student's first semester of enrolment, according to government regulations.
The student will be required to pay the total amount of tuition and fees calculated by the business office of Nazarene Theological College and agreed to by the student for each of the successive semesters or modules the student is enrolled in the course. Said payments are to be made on the official day of registration for each semester or each module.
Nazarene Theological College reserves the right to collect tuition and other fees in arrears or in instalments as agreed to in writing by the student and the principal of Nazarene Theological College (or the officer designated by the principal). The required semester payments will provide for the student's enrolment fee, tuition and compulsory fees.
Students are responsible for paying their own compulsory overseas student health cover payments to the provider of their own choice and present documentary evidence to the Registrar of Nazarene Theological College that such coverage has been arranged. Failure to ensure adequate health insurance may result in the cancellation of the visa of the student by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.