Part time program with flexible delivery options for those who wish to be better equipped to serve in their local church.

The Christian Ministry Training Certificate is specifically designed as a part-time program and all of the classes are normally held off-campus. The units have been designed for maximum flexibility. They are offered in an intensive format, with the lectures, tutorials and course work being delivered in a variety of ways to suit local church needs.

These flexible delivery options make this program accessible to students in a variety of circumstances.

Depending on the number of units available locally to the student, completing the whole program would normally require a minimum of three years study. There are currently no upper limits on the length of study.

Entrance Requirements

There are no entry requirements for the Christian Ministry Training Certificate imposed by the College. It is a program that is designed to be open to all who wish to be better equipped to serve in their local church.

Program Accreditation

The Christian Ministry Training Certificate is not accredited by any government agency, but is recognised by the Church of the Nazarene. Any credits earned in this program are not transferable to any accredited college program.

Students are not eligible for AUSTUDY or FEE-Help.

The course is not registered with CRICOS and is not available to overseas students.

Successful completion of the named 24 units validated by the International Course of Study Advisory Committee may satis­fy the minimum educational requirements for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene.

Program Outline

The study program is organised in three levels with eight units in each level. After the student has completed each level, an award is presented. In order to graduate from the full program of study, twenty-four units must be taken. Nine main study areas are available, but three main areas are Biblical Studies, Theology, and Pastoral Theology & Practice. The units may be studied in any order as each one is self-contained. However, the college may suggest that certain units are best studied in a sequence.