Journals and Research

Journals are an excellent source of information for research as they contain the results of comprehensive study by qualified academics on a wide variety of topics. NTC offers access to many useful theological journals in the library (current print holdings are reflected in the OPALS catalogue), and to many others through subscriptions to online databases.

For more information on how to access resources, please contact the library staff.



Digital Theological Library 2 (DTL2)

Basic or advanced search, or an A to Z list of Journals

Digital Theological Library 2

External Resource Links

  • Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library (WHDL)
    A free multidisciplinary, digital library containing books, articles, multimedia materials, archival content, and scholarly resources. WHDL was initiated by the global Church of the Nazarene in response to the global need for access to resources for ministerial preparation, education, spiritual development, and lifelong learning, particularly within the Wesleyan Holiness movement.
  • Preachers Magazine
    A Nazarene journal to help preachers to preach holiness effectively where they are, and a resource to and a dialogue between pastors across six global regions and countless languages and cultures.
  • Journal of Contemporary Ministry
    The Journal of Contemporary Ministry reports research and discusses issues related to contemporary ministry, including related theological and biblical questions.
  • Asbury Seminary Journals
    PDF copies of all the Asbury Journal articles, including the very latest print editions.
  • Christian Classics Ethereal Library
  • Bible Odyssey
    A free and helpful tool that is put out in partnership with SBL (Society of Biblical Literature), that includes solid scholarship.
  • Wesley Center for Applied Theology
    A collection of historical and scholarly resources about the Wesleyan Tradition, theology, Christianity, and the Church of the Nazarene.
  • Theology Network
    Theology Network exists to equip you with top quality theological resources - both articles and audio talks.
  • Upper Room
    The Upper Room includes publications, programs, prayer support, and other resources to help believers of all ages and denominations move to a deeper level of faith and service.
  • Circuit Rider
    A quarterly professional magazine for pastors, published by The United Methodist Publishing House for United Methodist clergy.
  • Christian History Institute
  • The Foundry Publishing
    Resources published through the Church of the Nazarene.
  • Wesley House
    Methodist Theological College, Cambridge UK.
  • UN Human Development Report
  • Bible Study Tools
    Interlinear Bible, commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, encyclopedias, lexicons, and sermon help.

Directories and indexes of other resources